Singing, Learning, and Community
For more than a quarter century, Greater South Jersey Chorus has uplifted every soul in our choir and audiences by combining talented singers with gifted artistic direction and fine music. Our joy comes from preparing great music and sharing it with our community.
With volunteers from all over South Jersey, GSJC has grown both in size and musicianship. Since our beginnings in1992, each of our artistic directors and accompanists has been a trained musician shaping us into who we are today.
Close to 200,000 “person-hours” of dedicated effort comprise our years of making music together. Some of us drive five minutes, while others drive for an hour to rehearse on Monday nights. Our goal is not musical perfection, but rather, to learn and participate in the steadfast journey toward beauty. There is always more we can do to refine how we shape a musical line, pronounce text with unified vowels, or breathe as one.
GSJC has the substance and the musicality to take on large choral works with real success. This has been evident in our recent performances, and we expect to continue our growth under our exceptional artistic director, Dr. Christopher B. Thomas.
Schooled through the years by our directors and accompanists, we are proud to be a vibrant community of singers who unite to bring great music to the people of South Jersey. As we embark on the coming year, the members of Greater South Jersey Chorus welcome you to our concerts. Thank you for supporting fine choral music in our region!
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